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"Just think how many small and wonderful details from your adornment and decoration will go unnoticed if they do not stand out properly."
It can be a very small element or a specific area of your reception area or which if properly lit would give a completely different dimension to your space that would impress even the most demanding. Below we present some of the most innovative and sophisticated architectural and decorative lighting applications on the international market.
Spot Lighting - Pin Spot Lighting
Spot Lighting is a lighting application that is applied in order to "stimulate" and highlight specific elements, points or objects in the space. A very common and classic application is the Spot Lighting on the centerpieces of the tables (flowers, candlesticks, etc.) where the decoration and its individual elements are highlighted. Other applications can be made at the table where the cake is cut, at the wish table, at the buffet or elsewhere. For Spot Lighting, warm rays of soft light are used, which at the same time enhances the "warmth" and the romance of the reception area. It is possible to apply in open (outdoor) and closed (indoor) spaces.